When you work on a project, you can turn pages using these arrows.

However, you don't have these arrows in PLAY mode. You should add navigation buttons to your project because they look neat, and the viewers of your project (when you share it) will need them to turn the pages. 

To create navigation buttons, either create a BUTTON or a CLICKABLE TURTLE. 

First, give meaningful names to your pages. To to a page and type this (for example) in the Command centre:

namepage "intro

Always use a one-word name as a page name, no space. You will see the new page name in the title bar, top left.

Go to another page and type this in the Command Centre:

namepage "lab

Go to another page and type this in the Command Centre:

namepage "explanation

Create a procedure that uses a PAGE NAME as its only instruction, such as this one:

to ToTheLab

lab  ;this is a page name


Now go to the page Intro and create a button. Use that procedure as the instruction for the button:

You can do the same with a clickable turtles, using the procedure name as the OnClick instruction. Maybe you can use ARROW SHAPES for your turtles.