If you have several turtles on the page and want one of them to follow a command, you will need to make it the 'current' turtle. You can click on it — but, of course, you will need to know how to do that with code.

Here's how to see what turtle or turtles are 'current' now:

show who

t3 t4

If you want to talk to only one turtle, you can type its name followed by a comma and the command:

t1, fd 100

Or you could use the talkto (tto) command to speak to either a single turtle or several turtles

talkto 't1' fd 100

talkto [t1 t2] fd 100

These methods make the turtle(s) you addressed current:

t3, bk 20

show who


talkto [t1 t2] fd 100

show who

t1 t2

-- and all the following commands will be executed by these turtles from now on.

If you want to talk to ALL the turtles use everyone

everyone [fd 100]

Tip: Don't forget the apostrophes and / or the square brackets [ ] !

If you need to just temporarily ask some specific turtle to do a specific job, use ask

ask 't1' [fd 100]

ask [t1 t2] [fd 100]

Tip: Since ask is about a "temporary work", you have to put the list of instructions in the square brackets. Lynx needs to know when to let these temporary workers go!

everyone and ask do not change who is the 'current' turtle.

t3, bk 20

show who


everyone [fd 100]

show who


ask [t1 t2] [rt 45]

show who
